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Small Groups

At the Bible Chapel, we are about real transformation with the real Jesus. We believe one crucial way God transforms us is through the power of community. In fact, community was God's idea from the beginning.


Building community lays the groundwork for what God cares about most: forming us to become more like Jesus. 


We want to offer you a supportive and true community where you can meet others and grow into who God created you to be. You're invited to explore the different Small Groups at the Waynesburg Bible Chapel.

Diversity Students

Young Adults

Join our young adult group that meets and discusses how to live for Jesus and transformed by Jesus every day.

Reading Group

Adult Groups

There are several Adult Groups that meet. Please reach out and explore how to grow in Christ in one of these groups.

Waynesburg Bible Chapel

800 E. Greene St, Waynesburg PA 15370

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